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Dylan Kim

Throughout my time spent in the United States, the idea of perpetuated and institutional racism was one that I had been faced with and taught to address. However, I never stopped to consider the implications of discrimination and biases that may exist in my home in South Korea. On the contrary, I had thought that South Korean society was one that was devoid of racism. Yet delving into the dregs of the society, this neglect of a discriminatory society in the country was an issue of extensive magnitude. While there may not be prejudice like what exists in the US, a prejudice born out of the difference in complexion, I learned that South Korean society focused on the purity of blood and if one were to be from a home country other than Korea itself, they would face abhorrent preconceptions, making it challenging to integrate into the society. 


Upon learning about such an issue, I came to the realization of the crucial nature of the problem that is in Korea. As an Asian-American student studying in the US, I always receive warnings from friends and relatives to be careful when being alone and out at night. Yet I had never stopped and considered that some people would face the same racism that I was warned against in the country of South Korea. However, not many people realize that they have these biases rooted deep within them. With my project, I attempted to create a quiz that attempts to root out these biases if some were unaware of them. Each question seeks to present situations and questions that help one understand their own consciousnesses. With this, I hope that some are able to understand their biases and work against these natural tendencies.

Multicultural Families
Quiz Survey

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